Kevin McCarthy
Benevolent Dictator

Although the administrators and moderators of Dallas Digest will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, we cannot be responsible for message content. All messages express the views of the author. The owners or the representatives of Dallas Digest reserve the right to edit, close or delete posts and/or topics without notice.
If you believe someone's post violates the forum rules, please notify a board moderator.
When posting in the forum keep the following in mind:
1) Inappropriate content will be removed without notice. Do not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, racist, hateful, threatening, or otherwise inappropriate. Please use good judgment when choosing user names, avatars, or images to post.
2) Personal attacks, name calling, baiting, and insults to others will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully. Any member who threatens anyone on the forum, via PM, instant messengers, or email, will be banned immediately without notice.
3) Links and posted images that “skew” the board will be removed. (640 X 480 pixel size being the largest image permitted) If you want help creating a “tiny url” or resizing images, post a question on the forum asking for help. There are several members who will be happy to assist you.
4) A good overall rule of thumb to follow is to imagine that you are an invited guest at an ongoing 24/7 get-together at a friend’s home. Behavior that you would not engage in or tolerate in public will not be tolerated here.
5) By becoming a member you agree to adhere to these guidelines. These guidelines are subject to change. Members that violate these rules may be suspended or banned.
6) Zippy avatars that affect members with Meniere's disease are not kosher.
Thank you.
____________________ Dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you've never been hurt, Work like you don't need the money and Live like it's Heaven on Earth!